The Center is excited to announce the expansion of our walk-in center hours and new programs geared towards LGBTQ+ youth and older adults.
New Center Hours
Monday through Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Community members can drop in to get resources, use our cyber center that will be opening soon, schedule meeting space, or simply lounge on our sofas to read a book or step out of the heat (or cold) in a safe and affirming space. In addition to our existing groups and activities, we will now offer the following:
Study Hall: a drop-in space for middle and high school students. Students will have a safe and affirming space to do homework, socialize with other LGBTQ+ youth, use our cyber center, or play games. Study Hall will be staffed by volunteer mentors and tutors, Monday through Wednesday, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.

Artivism: LGBTQ+ youth will acquire skills for different techniques of art, like screen printing, painting, photography and creative writing, while connecting these teachings with activism. Artivism connects art and activism, focusing on how art in its multiple forms can embrace political intention, and how political and civic engagement can be creative, poetic, sensorial. 2nd Saturday of every month from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Register Today!

Senior Planet: In partnership with OATS (Older Adults Technology Services) LGBTQ+ older adults 60+ will have the opportunity to participate in free technology workshops and trainings at The Center. OATS engages, trains and supports older adults in using technology to improve their quality of life and enhance their social and civic engagement.

Coffee & Connection: A social support group where LGBTQ+ older adults gather to network, share resource referrals, build community, and connect in a safe environment to share unique challenges to assist our older adult population to live happily and authentically. Coffee & Connection is held the 3rd Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

We are so excited to continue our growth in the community. Be sure to share this great news with your friends, especially educators! For more information about all our programming visit us online at or we invite you to stop by to check out The Center and meet Lex, our community empowerment coordinator, and Viv, our community resource intern.
Our staff, interns, board of directors, and volunteers are energized and committed to providing the safe space our community needs and deserves.
Thank you for supporting The Center – Pride Center San Antonio and our mission.